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Why Property Courses Have Really High Fail Rates - The Truth!

Writer: Paul RosePaul Rose

Ask anybody that has done a property course this question and you WILL get the same response. I guarantee it.

Question: Is getting into property easy?

Answer: No there is much more to it than I ever thought. They made it sound really easy before I signed up for the course. It sounded like I could make quick money and it be relatively simple but that’s not the case.

So why should you consider property as your new source of income and who is it right for?

I speak from experience, and lots of it…

When I started out property sourcing, I went through the same thoughts, I assumed it would be easy…. I assumed it would just take off - If I just kept pushing!

I had spent money and taken risks and so I had to make it work – but when it was tough I did'nt give up, I tweaked my own processes, I tried a different approach. After all the definition of madness is to keep doing the same things and expect a different result. If something is not working, change it!

Anyway, I eventually managed to find my feet and generate myself a small list of investors ready to buy and just as important - I also learned the skills I needed, to source opportunities to feed my

investors the deals they wanted!

It wasn’t luck, I really struggled, but I made changes to my processes and I learned from my mistakes.

After trading hundreds of property deals, my own property journey then exploded into something much much bigger…

I then helped hundreds of others replicate that by co-founding the UK’s first ever national property sourcing network and we launched a franchise.

We went from a standing start to over 50+ offices around the UK in just over 18 months. This was no easy feat and it was not without it's bumps in the road.

After selling my shares in the company a few years back, I have all but retired abroad.

But let’s rewind a little…

I actually started in property from zero (I had a day job and no experience in property really) and I managed to make it work for me. But the key is, I did not expect it to be easy or a quick route to income.

I had real struggles along the way, I banged my head against the wall. There were even days I doubted property was for me at all. But I am so glad I stuck at it!

I went from an employee to a business owner to a multiple business owner to retired in the space of 5 years. I have to say though that’s not typical! It’s definitely not the norm for people BUT having said that, it definitely shows you what is possible, if you focus on the right tasks and commit to taking action in your business.

Why Some Succeed and MOST FAIL - The Truth!

Imagine tomorrow you were going to suddenly dedicate yourself to a new career, completely different from your current job. You cannot just 'do a course', learn some new things and be a success overnight.

It’s just not realistic. It just doesn't work like that.

If I suddenly decided tomorrow, that I wanted to become an engineer – (I know nothing about engineering!) it would take me a long time to do all the following:

1. Learn the skills necessary to do the job

2. Be efficient at implementing the knowledge I had learned

3. Become confident in what I am doing (this is huge!)

4. Then Focus on generating more income by making changes

Sounds about right doesn’t it?

It makes perfect sense, that it would take anybody time to get to a certain standard.

AND the other thing is, everybody is different! Everybody learns at a different pace, some people are more confident, some people struggle more. That’s the bottom line.

You know what’s coming… You know where I’m heading with this... Learning property strategies is no different! Shock!

It's sad but people do get swept along with the hype at these property events and free seminars and webinars and get sold the dream. It’s a pitch after all, these events are to sell to you, not to teach you. Don't be fooled.

No matter how easy they make it sound, they want you to think - it seems doable, anybody can do it, so why can’t you? Then you spend £3,000+ on their training. It's a pitch remember!

Let me share with you something that no other property educator will… Fail Rates!!!

I have people on my courses that have quit their jobs, changed their lives, increased their income, and become their own boss. That’s honestly truly amazing and I am happy to have played a small part in helping them do that.

But, I also have the flip side of this…

People who have bought a course and not even logged in! Yes that happens.

I have people that have lost interest after a few weeks / months. Very common.

I have people who have given up without really getting started because the reality did not meet their expectations. (of it being easy and quick)

So let me talk about expectations for a second, because that is very important.

As I said at the beginning, most people assume property strategies are easy due to being sold the dream at a seminar/webinar/live event.

I don’t care what strategy you are interested in, sourcing, rent to rent, serviced accommodation… the same goes for every single one of them.

  • You can start a business using any of the above strategies. TRUE

  • You can build that business so it generates more income than your existing job. TRUE

  • You could quit your day-job and be your own boss. TRUE

  • You could diversify into other areas and generate even more income in property. TRUE

This is all possible, but…

LET ME TELL YOU THIS - Nobody that is a success found it easy OR achieved the above quickly.

If you are that person sat watching webinars most nights looking for a simple way to change your life and increase your income… you need to be fair on yourself and be realistic before jumping in to anything.

Yes a million percent there is an opportunity for you (I have proved that to myself and to others so it is possible without a doubt.)

If you are the type of person who is realistic and you can take the hype with a pinch of salt... you are probably the right type of character to succeed in property, at least from a mindset point of view.

Hopefully I am making you think, by reading this article.

This is the TRUTH about property education. I say all this not to put people off but to make them stop and think and consider the reality before jumping in and spending thousands on training – and then assuming their life will change in a matter of a few months.

I’ll share two short stories with you –

I had a guy call me up a few years back and he said this to me – I have spent thousands on training already and I am annoyed as it just isn’t what I thought It was. I need help with direction and I need real support I have been thinking about getting into rent to rent can you help me with that.

So we had a long call and I asked him lots of questions and It was obvious to me that rent to rent was not a strategy that would fit him or his goals.

He joined my Property BaseCamp programme and over the next few months we put together a strategy that would work for him.

Fast forward to today and he has a property portfolio and has been generating more income than his day job and building his wealth.

Two things – first, this did not happen overnight, secondly this took a lot of hard work and dedication on his part. I just guided him in the right direction and advised him and supported him each month. It was all on him to do that hard yards and commit.

The other story is a little different… and is sadly too common!

I had a call with this person and they said I need to quit my day job in 3 months-time and I need an income of £10k a month, can you help me do that?

I was flabbergasted! But knew right away he had been watching too many property guru YouTube videos. So much so, he believed he could become an overnight success in a field he knew nothing about other than he had watched some things online and it looked like easy money.

His expectations were based completely on half truths and just not realistic at all.

So if you are looking at property to generate more income and looking at education – please please please just have your expectations set correctly.

Yes you can do it, and yes there is a way – for sure.

However, you have to see it for what it is and expect it to take time and effort and also expect bumps in the road - that's life after all. Show me any business that has just had an easy ride and success after success. That's just not how things work.

I really hope that this article has given you food for thought... But if you want to get into property and you are 100% serious about it even after reading this... Check out the offer below valid only till March 31st only!

If you want to join our Property BaseCamp – the last ever enrolment is ending this month!
I am now living overseas and I am closing access so it’s now or never for anybody whishing to join us on Property BaseCamp.

All the best,



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